I am happy to say that the mister and I will be hopefully starting a new house in the near future! We had our house plan sent to be approved by the owners of the subdivision (since we will be the first house in the neighborhood...) and we got this call this morning that we are cleared :) The mister wanted me to take the plans and go to the bank this afternoon, but I assured him that it might be wise if we both go, since it is we that are building this house, not I. He finally agreed.
Here's a sneak peek of the front. I'm in love with it already.
I am very anxious for the arrival of next week. My first burst of excitement will come when the sex of Baby Mentzel is revealed. Following the news of blue or pink I will board a plane to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for my sister-in-law's wedding...not that I am looking the best for the beach right now....could stand to be a lot skinnier and darker. All eyes will be on her thank goodness...she will be beeeautiful, can't wait. Goodbye ice, hello sunshine!